Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

I received several emails from friends suggesting inspirational words, hymns, scriptures, and verses to use in this birdsnest painting.  My favorite suggestion came from my cousin, Sheila. Thanks sis, and to all of you who emailed your kind suggestions!
This oil painting entitled "Grace Will Lead Me Home" is inspired by the third verse of the beautiful hymn, "Amazing Grace".  These lyrics are painted in the background and on the birdnest in the oil painting.  An English writer, John Newton wrote the lyrics of the song in 1725. As a youth, Newton lacked religious beliefs, but later as he served in the Royal Navy, his beliefs began to change.  He came very close to losing his life on board a ship during a violent storm, and he believed the only way his life was saved that night was through the Grace of God.
Memories of singing "Amazing Grace" in an old Baptist church when I was a little girl bring back sweet times shared with family and friends.  Such a popular and meaningful song then, but much sweeter now.
Birds use nests to protect eggs and nestlings from predators and harsh weather conditions.  Nests also help to keep the eggs warm and are usualy hidden or camouflaged so predators cannot find them.  Through the Grace of God, we are warmed, protected, and safely cared for.  Just as the verse explains 'through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and Grace will lead me home.'
This painting will be included in the Wesley's Chapel Auction on Saturday, November 7, 2009.  Auction begins at 7 p.m., bazaar starts at 10:00 a.m.

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